Our Parish
St. Thomas Aquinas is a welcoming family comprised of people of diverse cultures who travel from all over the north central Louisiana area to celebrate at our Parish. We are a family of believers who gather weekly (and daily) to worship God. We are strengthened by sharing each other’s stories, joys and sorrows. We are a growing, vibrant community of believers. Yet, we also make every effort to be a place where all are welcomed and encouraged to participate in the life of the Parish. We strive to be inclusive of all who join us, as we celebrate seeing each member of our Parish family grow in Christ’s love.
We, the members of St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church, see our Church as a place where:
- The Eucharist is the source and summit of our faith
- The needs of the poor and disenfranchised drive us to serve
- Life-long Faith Formation is a constant priority
- Diversity is cherished and celebrated
- Family is welcomed and supported
- The sharing of time, talent and treasure is a way of life
Through prayer and service, the St. Thomas Parish family strives to bring together the diverse community in which we live — to love, heal and support one another as the people we are all called to be in Christ.