Women’s Guild
All women of St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church are invited to participate in the Women’s Guild. The Women’s Guild meets in the Joe and Roger Luffey Catholic Life Center, at noon, on the 2nd Tuesday of each month from September to May. Lunch is served for a $5.00 donation, and a babysitter is provided for mothers with young children. The goal of the Women’s Guild is to grow friendship and provide fellowship for the ladies of our parish, to encourage and equip women to faithfully and fully use their God given gifts and talents to glorify God, and to provide an opportunity to serve our faith community. An example of our projects are:

- Host a back- to-school afternoon Tea for the ACTS college women
- Provide snacks for the RCIA students for each classroom meeting, September through Easter
- Help to supply dinner for the STAY student meetings
- Clean church linens and pews
- Provide prayer blankets for anyone in need of any type of healing
- Hold a “baby bottle bank” fundraiser to collect money for Life Choices
- At Christmas and Easter we deliver flowers and visit the nursing home /home bound parishioners
- Provide wedding gifts for parishioner’s children/grand-children who are getting married
- Serve lunch on Good Friday for the Ruston Ministerial Alliance
- Provide scholarships to graduating St. Thomas Aquinas high school seniors
- Host a graduation reception for the high school graduates
- Hold a Gumbo fundraiser
- Donate money to ACTS, donate to the Mary Garden upkeep, donate to the SVDP society
For more information about the Women’s Guild, please contact Rhonda Reed at [email protected].
The Women's Guild meetings are every second Tuesday of of the month except during the summer months.The next meeting is Tuesday April 08, 2025 at noon in the Luffey Catholic Center.